They're Back!
Great news guys! I'm sure you've all heard, and have been eagerly awaiting...
Metallica's latest album is to be released this Friday, September 12th 2008!!!
I will definitely post up an album review after grabbing "Death Magnetic"

Yup, they're using their old logo again! And this is the first album featuring bassist, Robert Trujillo. (You may remember him from Suicidal Tendencies, Ozzy Osbourne and a few other bands)
And there's more... even AC/DC is releasing their latest album called "Black Ice". Expect it to be released on the 20th of next month. (October 20th, 2008) Argh! Can't wait! Till then, why don't you readers go listen to their "Highway to Hell" album to get pumped up!

What a year this has proven to be! If you had no idea, 2008 has already seen new album releases by bands such as Disturbed, Motley Crue and even Def Leppard!!!!
Sadly though, I haven't checked out these albums yet. Have any of you got the album or at least heard some songs from it? Do get back to me and give me the verdict! All I listened to was Lenny Kravitz's "It is Time for a Love Revolution"... It was quite interesting. Something different from dear old Lenny. For a taste of his new album, listen to Bring It On and the funky, Will You Marry Me.

Of course, my all time fav is still Fly Away! Another album I got my hands on was N.E.R.D's
"Seeing Sounds". Just as peculiar as the album sounds, the songs reflect it as well. A blend of weird sounds, (jazz, hip hop, rock) that they want listeners to be able to "see" the sounds by just closing your eyes. No, seriously! There is this neuroligical disorder called synesthesia which causes people to experience sounds as colours or images intheir minds. The guys of N.E.R.D saw this on good ol' Discovery Channel and were inspired. Songs I reccomend are Spaz, Everyone Nose and Anti Matter.
Go check it out and tell me what you think.
Metallica's latest album is to be released this Friday, September 12th 2008!!!
I will definitely post up an album review after grabbing "Death Magnetic"

Yup, they're using their old logo again! And this is the first album featuring bassist, Robert Trujillo. (You may remember him from Suicidal Tendencies, Ozzy Osbourne and a few other bands)
And there's more... even AC/DC is releasing their latest album called "Black Ice". Expect it to be released on the 20th of next month. (October 20th, 2008) Argh! Can't wait! Till then, why don't you readers go listen to their "Highway to Hell" album to get pumped up!

What a year this has proven to be! If you had no idea, 2008 has already seen new album releases by bands such as Disturbed, Motley Crue and even Def Leppard!!!!

Of course, my all time fav is still Fly Away! Another album I got my hands on was N.E.R.D's

Go check it out and tell me what you think.